Driving Information, Delivering Technology, Serving… You!

To use IT Services cost-effectively, enterprises are required to implement efficient solutions and automations. However, appropriate knowledge, support and creativity is called for from leading IT services and consultancy providers, such as TeleWhale Ltd.

When today’s consumers evaluate businesses, they do not compare different enterprises anymore. They compare experiences. Everything is better than ever, with real-time, smart IT services delivered daily. It’s all easy, instant, and seamless. TeleWhale Ltd. is in the trade to SOLVE your problems, helping You to save huge amounts of money and, together, transform how your IT operates.

IT Services
TeleWhale Ltd. — Innovative and Tailor-made IT services to Your specific needs. For scalable, accurate, cost-effective and inclusive corporate IT strategies!

IT Services

API Integration & Automation

Integration in a blink of an eye, SMS campaigns sent in seconds! For a complete software-technical integration to any corporate systems, CRM, ERP, E-shops, Database, etc. A detailed documentation is supplied for all IT languages (PHP, Java, Python, Node, etc.).

Within an SMS API integration, automated Bulk SMS campaigns can be sent via any corporate application using an Interface or a Web Interface. In-depth delivery and metrics reports are provided. Can be combined with a wide array of communication channels and suited to any Corporate integrated goals. Online and/or phone technical support included. Our team is at your service to answer all your API Integration technical needs.

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ORCA Protection System

A high-tech fraud detection system for Enterprises. A prime tool to minimize A2P SMS traffic costs. ORCA’s algorithm masters all traffic fraud patterns, regenerating itself numerous times a day to improve accuracy.

ORCA antifraud protection system cleans SMS traffic from bot registrations. Using data analytics and Machine Learning tools, ORCA is capable to highlight OTP SMS generated by bots, interrupt its end-user delivery and, in such a way, minimize for clients the costs associated with bots. No revenue for providers that use bots -> Bots become more expensive -> Less amount of bots present in the traffic.

ORCA main benefits include the protection of businesses’ reputation by ensuring that all SMS traffic is authorized and not delivered using grey routes. Spam filtering ensures blockage of grey routes and fraudulent traffic. ORCA also lowers financial losses by minimizing cases for financial disputes with partners and avoiding termination fees by bypassing traffic through grey routes, etc.

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RPA – Robotic Process Automation & Consultancy

RPA delivers repetitive process executions and data handling that humans would normally do across legacy, desktop and web applications, but without human interaction and at a fraction of the cost by using desktop bots. For ex., preparation of reconciliation acts and their comparison with counterparty’s version (Finance), preparation of sick leaves (HR), creation of new client accounts across bank systems (Finance).

TeleWhale Ltd. provides RPA solutions in conjunction with other service lines (ex. Machine Learning, Data Analytics, etc.) with the benefit of RPA’s synergy with Machine Learning tools. Amid TeleWhale Ltd. tailor-made consultancy, implementation and teaching process, clients can decrease their costs by using bots that are programmed from scratch and become independent once the implementation is done.

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AI Chatbot Technology & Consultancy

A chatbot is a computer program that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to understand customer questions and automate responses to them, simulating human conversation. The use of chatbots includes Marketing, Supporting Systems, Education, Health Care, Cultural Heritage, and Entertainment. Chatbots can make it easy for users to find the information they need by responding to their questions and requests through text input, audio input, or both without the need for human intervention.

Chatbot technology is almost everywhere, from smart speakers at home to messaging applications in the workplace. AI chatbots are often referred to as “virtual assistants” or “virtual agents.” They can use audio input, such as Apple's Siri, Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa, or interact via SMS text messaging.

Chatbots can reach out to a broad audience on messaging apps and be more effective than humans are. At the same time, they may develop into a capable information-gathering tool. They provide significant savings in the operation of customer service departments. With further development of AI and machine learning, somebody may not be capable of understanding whether he talks to a chatbot or a real-life agent.

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Machine Learning (ML)

TeleWhale Ltd. Machine Learning solution (ML) allows companies to gain a competitive edge through features such as customer value prediction, predictive maintenance, spam detection, and more. Machine learning is the process by which computers use statistical methods to learn from data and provide information without being explicitly programmed to do so. Telcos can use Machine Learning solutions for routing, cost optimization, and finding the right trade-off between cost and uninterrupted traffic. Our solutions include the prediction of customers who will leave soon (unsatisfied customers) and automatically influence them by sending incentives to stay, optimizing new offers for such customers and routing rules.

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Customer Support

24/7/365 Customer Support always available. Ensures ongoing Assistance by answering and dealing with any requests at once. Send us a note and we will get back to You. 1on1 calls with our experts, 5 min. response time over chat, and 99.9% satisfaction index are a plus. You deserve only what is best for You!

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IT Services & Consultancy

TeleWhale Ltd. can assist any corporation in making technological purchases or strategical decisions to resolve any IT challenges. As an IT consultant, we may also serve as a short-term virtual CIO, providing expert advice on IT procedures to a business that lacks high-level IT in-house expertise.

TeleWhale Ltd. wide range of IT expertise and IT consultancy covers:

Digital Marketing services, API Integration, IT Automation, IT Services Consultancy, AI Chatbot Technology, ML Machine Learning Consultancy, RPA Robotic Process Automation Consultancy, iPification, s-PACE system, ORCA Anti-Fraud protection system, and more.

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